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Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

31. St Clair, M., Million, C., & Siegler, M. (2020). Improvements to the Apollo 15 and 17 heat flow experiment data archive. P&SS, 187, 104944.

30. Rozitis, B., Emery, J. P., Siegler, M. A., Susorney, H. C. M., Molaro, J. L., Hergenrother, C. W., & Lauretta, D. S. (2020). Implications for ice stability and particle ejection from high‐resolution temperature modeling of asteroid (101955) Bennu. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, e2019JE006323.

29. Siegler, M.A., Feng, J., Lucey P., Ghent, R., Hayne, P. (2020) Lunar microwave loss tangent 

         and ilmenite content as constrained by the Chang’E MRM and LRO Diviner Lunar Radiometers

28. Banerdt, W.B., Smrekar, S.E., Banfield, D. et al. (full team) Initial results from the InSight mission on 

        Mars. Nat. Geosci. (2020).

27. Attree, N., Patel, N., Hagermann, A., Grott, M., Spohn, T., & Siegler, M. (2020). Potential effects of atmospheric 

        collapse on Martian heat flow and application to the InSight measurements. Planetary and Space 

        Science, 180, 104778.

26. B. Rozitis, B., Emery,J. Siegler, M., Susorney, H, Molaro, J., Hergenrother, C. and D. S. Lauretta,D. (2020)        

        Implications for ice stability and particle ejection from high-resolution temperature modeling of        

        asteroid (101955) Bennu, JGR Planets

25.  Feng, J., Siegler, M. A., & Hayne, P. O. (2020). New Constraints on Thermal and Dielectric Properties of 

         Lunar Regolith from LRO Diviner and CE‐2 Microwave Radiometer. Journal of Geophysical Research: 

        Planets, 125(1), e2019JE006130.

24. Ojha, L., Karimi, S., Lewis, K. W., Smrekar, S., & Siegler, M. (2019). Depletion of Heat Producing   

          Elements in the Martian Mantle. Geophysical Research Letters, 46.

23. Williams, J‐P., B. T. Greenhagen, D. A. Paige, N. Schorghofer, E. Sefton‐Nash, P. O. Hayne, P. G. Lucey, 

          M. A. Siegler, and K‐Michael Aye. "Seasonal Polar Temperatures on the Moon." JGR: Planets (2019). 

22. Woods‐Robinson, R., Siegler, M. A., & Paige, D. A. (2019). A Model for the Thermophysical Properties of

           Lunar Regolith at Low Temperatures. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

21. The Regolith of (101955) Bennu from OSIRIS-REx Imaging and Thermal Analysis Nature Astronomy

         DellaGiustina, D., Emery, J., Golish, D, Rozitis, B, and 59 authors, including Siegler, M. (2019).  

20. Morgan, P., Grott, M., Knapmeyer-Endrun, B., Golombek, M., Delage, P., Lognonné, P… Siegler, M.

          (14th of 17) (2018). A pre-landing assessment of regolith properties at the InSight landing   

          site. Space Science Reviews, 214(6), 104.

19. Hayne, P.O., Banfield, J., Siegler, M., …(2017) Global regolith thermophysical properties of the Moon 

           from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment, JGR Planets,  122(12), 2371-2400

18. Siegler, M.A., Smrekar, S.E. Piqueux,S. ,Müller,N., Grott M. (2017) Three-Dimensional  

           Thermal  Modeling for the 2016 InSight Mission Space Science Reviews- InSight Special Issue doi 


17. Delitsky, M. L., Paige, D. A., Siegler, M. A., Harju, E. R., Schriver, D., Johnson, R. E., & Travnicek, P. 

           (2017). Ices on Mercury: Chemistry of volatiles in permanently cold areas of Mercury's north polar 

           region. Icarus, 281, 19-31.

16. Fisher, E. A., Lucey, P. G., Lemelin, M., Greenhagen, B. T., Siegler, M. A., Mazarico, E., ... & Paige, 

          D. A. (2017). Evidence for surface water ice in the lunar polar regions using reflectance           
          measurements from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter and temperature measurements from the           

          Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment. Icarus, 292, 74-85.

15. Plesa, A. C., Grott, M., Lemmon, M. T., Müller, N., Piqueux, S., Siegler, M. A., S. Smrekar & Spohn, T.  

          (2016). Interannual perturbations of the Martian surface heat flow by atmospheric dust opacity 

          variations. JGR Planets, 121(10), 2166-2175.

14. Siegler, M.A., Miller, R., Keane, J, Laneuville, M., Paige, D., Matsuyama, I., Crotts, A., Poston, M. (2016) 

           Lunar True Polar Wander Inferred from Polar Hydrogen, Nature Vol 531. 480-484.

13. Johnson, C. L., Phillips, R. J., Purucker, … Siegler M.A… Solomon S.C. (2015) Low-altitude magnetic 

            field measurements by MESSENGER reveal Mercury’s ancient crustal field Science Vol. 348

12. Siegler M.A., Paige, D.A., Williams, J.P., Bills, B.G., (2015) Evolution of Lunar Polar Ice 

            Stability, Icarus Special Issue on Lunar Volatiles- Volume 255, 78–87

11. Hayne, A Hendrix, E Sefton-Nash, Siegler, M.A.,… (2015) Evidence for exposed water ice in the   

          Moon’s south polar regions from LRO UV albedo and temperature measurements. Icarus 255-58

10. Hurley, D. M., Sarantos, M., Grava, C., Williams, J. P., Retherford, K. D., Siegler, M.A, …(2015).

          An analytic function of lunar surface temperature for exospheric modeling. Icarus 255 

9. Gong, X., Paige, D. A., Siegler, M. A., & Jin, Y. Q. (2015). Inversion of Dielectric Properties of the Lunar   

          Regolith Media With Temperature Profiles Using Chang'e Microwave Radiometer Observations.  

          Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE, 12(2), 384-388.

8. Siegler, M.A.; Smrekar,S. (2014) Lunar Heat Flow: Regional Prospective of the Apollo  

            Landing sites, JGR Planets Volume 119, Issue 1, DOI: 10.1002/2013JE004453

7. Siegler, M. A.; Bills, B. G.; Paige, D. A. (2013) Long term climate variability of Mercury’s Poles JGR

 Planets, Vol. 118, 1–8, doi:10.1002/jgre.20070

6. Paige, D.A., Siegler, M.A., Harmon, J.K., Neumann, G.A. , Mazarico, E.M., Smith, D.E., 

            Zuber, M.T., Harju, E., Delitsky, M.L., and Solomon, S.C. (2013) Thermal stability of 

            volatiles in the north polar region of Mercury- Science, doi 10.1126/science.1231106

5. Vasavada, A. R., Bandfield, J. L., Greenhagen, B. T., Hayne, P. O., Siegler, M. A., Williams,  

            J. P., & Paige, D. A. (2012). Lunar equatorial surface temperatures and regolith 

             properties from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment. JGR Planets, 117(E12).

4. Siegler M.A., Aharonson O., Choukroun M., Hudson T., Schorghofer N., Xu S. (2012) Measurements of 

thermal properties of icy Mars regolith analogs JGR Planets, doi:10.1029/2011JE003938

3. Siegler M.A., Bills B.G., Paige D.A. (2011) Effects of orbital evolution on lunar ice stability, 

JGR Planets VOL. 116, doi:10.1029/2010JE003652

2. Paige D.A., Siegler M.A., Zhang J.A., Hayne P.O., Diviner Team (2010) Diviner Observations of Cold 

Traps in the Lunar South Polar Region: Spatial Distribution and Temperature, Science

1. Hayne, P. O., Greenhagen, B. T., Foote, M. C., Siegler, M. A., Vasavada, A. R., & Paige, D. A. (2010). 

Diviner lunar radiometer observations of the LCROSS impact. Science

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